As per the directions of Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, state Transport and Fisheries Minister Parimal Suklabaidya on Monday visited Hailakandi to oversee the preparations at the Bihu Training Camp in Town Hall.
Notably, the Bihu dancers are being trained by master trainers who have come from Majuli.
As informed by the Deputy Commissioner of Hailakandi district, a total of 20 dancers have been selected who are undergoing training and will showcase their performance alongside other performers from all across Assam at the biggest-ever Bihu performance to be held in Guwahati on April 14 during the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Governors and Chief Ministers of other states and other dignitaries.
During his visit, the Assam Minister said, “I am very pleased to see the excitement and enthusiasm amongst the dancers and satisfied with all the facilities provided by the district administration.”
Deputy Commissioner of Hailakandi Nisarg Hibhari Gautam, BJP Hailakandi District President Swapan Bhattacharjee, BJYM Assam Pradesh Social Media Co-Incharge Sashanka Chakraborty and district officials were present during the visit.
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