Arunachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein said that the state government intends to provide modern and best healthcare facilities to its citizens. He also said that the public need not travel to Assam for health checkups and spend huge amounts for minor checkups.
DCM Mein said this while inaugurating the sick newborn care unit at the Namsai district hospital. He also launched the integrated i-Hospital Management Information System (iHMIS) under e-Swasthya Arunachal, and inaugurated the telemedicine hub at the hospital, in the presence of Namsai MLA Zingnu Namchoom, Lekang MLA Jummum Ete Deori and DC CR Kampa on Sunday.
“The TRIHMS in Naharlagun and RK Mission Hospital in Itanagar are providing best healthcare facilities to the people of the state,” DCM Mein said, and opined that “such healthcare facilities need to be developed in the eastern region also, so that our people do not go outside for minor medical checkups and treatments.”
He asked the DC to “prepare a master plan for an exclusive Hospital Colony and shift all other structures from the Hospital Colony,” and to “look into the accommodation of the doctors (specialists or super-specialists) posted in the district.”
The sick newborn care unit will provide intensive care to newborn babies and will help in reducing the infant mortality rate.
The iHMIS is a significant step towards adopting technology to improve the healthcare system. The HMIS incorporates an integrated computerised clinical information system for improved hospital administration and patient healthcare.
It also provides accurate, electronically stored medical records of the patients. It can improve the overall system’s efficiency through automation, and generates necessary reports for managing operations, performance, quality, planning, decision-making, and reporting.
Implementing agency B4B Solutions’ CEO Suresh Singh informed that, “with the inauguration of the telehub, the patients will be able to have teleconsultation with specialty doctors not available in Namsai and connect with doctors at the TRIHMS, or the AIIMS.
“Using a health ATM kiosk, patients can get 40 plus health parameters in less than seven minutes,” he added.
The online registration process of the HMIS was also inaugurated at the hospital.
The DCM also inspected the under-construction building of the district hospital, and visited and interacted with the inmates of the drug de-addiction centre, run by the Chongkham Women Welfare Society, in Chongkham.
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