India Celebrates 73rd Army Day

India celebrates Army Day, honouring the first Indian Army chief, Lieutenant General KM Cariappa, who took over the post of Commander-in-Chief of Indian Army on January 15, 1949, from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British C-in-C of India. He adopted the slogan “Jai Hind,” meaning “Victory to India.”

The day is celebrated with different themes and ideas every year. In the year 2020, the theme was ‘Digital Transformation of Defense,’ while this year, the Indian Army has organised a marathon, called the ‘Vijay Run’ to “commemorate Swarnim Vijay Varsh celebrations of India’s resounding victory over Pakistan in 1971.” Army day is celebrated at all the Army Command headquarters every year, to honour the brave hearts of the country for their selfless service to the nation.