New Zealand proposes smoking ban for people born after 2004

No smoking sign made with broken cigarettes

New Zealand is looking to ban smoking for anyone born after 2004 in an effort to make the nation smoke free by 2025.

Earlier this  week Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall announced the proposed measure, which would gradually increase the legal smoking age over time.

New Zealand lawmakers are looking to reduce the level of nicotine allowed in tobacco products, prohibit filters, set a minimum price for tobacco, and restrict locations where tobacco and cigarettes can be sold

Dr. Verrall stated that, ‘new approach is needed if the nation wants to reach its goal. She adds that the “best way” to achieve a “smoke free future” is to prevent people from ever starting to smoke’.

Over 75 percent of smokers have tried to quit but smoking is primarily driven by addiction. This makes quitting extremely difficult even though most smokers want to do so, later she added.

‘Almost half a million New Zealanders smoke daily. If we are to reach our goal, many more need to quit or switch to less harmful alternatives. I acknowledge how addictive nicotine is and how tough it is to quit smoking. We must provide people with better support in their decisions to stop smoking and in their quit journeys,’ Dr. Verrall said.