The BJP was asked to take back party tickets that was given to two non-indigenous ZPM candidates in Changlang district for the PRI polls by the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) on Monday, following the failure of which democratic movement will prevail across the state starting from Changlang district, told AAPSU president Hawa Bagang to media.
He claimed, “The ruling dispensation is undermining the policy matter. For political benefit, you cannot curtail the right of Arunachalees” .
“The union will never compromise on policy matters and always stand by state’s indigenous people”, Bagang said.
Meje taku, the AAPSU vice-president said, “We are serving two-day ultimatum and if by tomorrow, the party tickets are not cancelled then we shall start our democratic stir.” The political parties were urged not to give tickets to non-indigenous people.
Both the single phase PRI and Municipal elections will be held on 22nd of December.