Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Pema Khandu on Tuesday said the government will take proper action upon officials involved in the claimed illegal appointment in the Education department.
Replying to a question by senior Congress member Ninong Ering on the appointment of teachers and other posts in the department without attending any interview, Khandu said that all such appointments would be canceled if proved. He said the Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board (APSSB), was created to check corrupt practices in the recruitment process.
Putting forward the question Ering asked the Government that why the APSSB was not informed about such appointments and want to know the total number of teachers and multi-tasking staff (MTS) appointed without an interview by the department.
Rejecting such appointments, Education Minister Taba Tedir told that on a complaint from Ering, a departmental probe has been instated. The report of the same will be available soon.