Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu called on the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.) at Raj Bhavan, Itanagar on Saturday. They exchanged New Year greetings and expressed hope that the New Year will usher-in peace, prosperity and extraordinary progress in all round development in the State.
The Governor and Chief Minister discussed developmental projects, State and Central Government flagship programmes and vital projects of the State. The Governor shared his concern about the time bound construction of Miao-Vijoynagar Road, which is not progressing satisfactorily. They also discussed speeding up of projects which are being slowed down due to COVID19 pandemic.
They further discussed the strict implementation of the precautions for COVID-19 pandemic which must be done to protect our people. Appreciating the Chief Minister for his public commitment for implementation of the NH 415 road project of Itanagar, the Governor called for stringent measures in maintaining cleanliness in the Capital City. He said that “chosen as one of the Smart Cities of the country, Itanagar should be the best example in cleanliness, health and hygiene, facility centres and internet and road communication”.
The Governor suggested to the Chief Minister for a concrete plan for smooth conduct of COVID 19 vaccination programme. The Governor emphasised on new initiatives for employment generation through entrepreneurship in agri-horti and allied sectors, particularly agriculture and harnessing of sporting potentials of the State and strengthening law and order.
The Chief Minister briefed the Governor about various issues and programmes of the State Government. Road communication, competitive examinations, filling up of vacant posts, environment and forests, health, education, and Panchayat Raj elections were discussed in the meeting.
Called on Hon’ble Governor of Arunachal Brig (Dr) BD Mishra Ji (retd) today and extended New Year greetings. Had a fruitful discussion. Thanks to Hon’ble Governor for his valuable suggestions for a concrete plan on smooth conduct of #COVID19 vaccination programme.
— Pema Khandu པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་། (@PemaKhanduBJP) January 2, 2021