Arunachal Pradesh Chief minister extend his greeting to the Nyishi Community on Nyishi Day. It is to be mentioned that “Nyishi Day” is celebrated to commemorate the historic constitutional amendment of replacing the nomenclature – Dafla to the original nomenclature Nyishi.
After a decade of struggle by the seniors of the NES and the community, the word (Dafla) which was considered alien and derogatory was whipped out by a constitutional amendment (Schedule Tribe) order 1950, modifying the list of ST by an Act – the Constitution (ST) Amendment Act -2008 under the part – XVIII relating to the State of Arunachal Pradesh.
I extend my heartiest greetings to all #Nyishi brothers and sisters on happy #NyishiDay. On this day, a historic constitutional amendment was made recognizing ‘Nyishi’ as the nomenclature. May the community continue to move towards the path of glory and prosperity.
— Pema Khandu པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་། (@PemaKhanduBJP) April 19, 2021