Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Monday inaugurated Block II of the Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (TRIHMS) housing the newly functional Emergency and Trauma department.
New Tesla MRI scanners were also newly installed at the state’s lone medical college-cum-hospital on Monday.
CM Khandu along with State health minister Alo Libang also flagged off 100 medical utility vehicles from the hospital complex.
Addressing officials of state health services department and TRIHMS, CM Khandu said that health will always be a huge priority for the state government.
Congratulating the medical fraternity, he said it was because of their sincere efforts guided by health minister Alo Libang these state-of-the-art facilities could be established within a very short period of time.
CM Khandu also assured that the dearth of manpower especially, in the newly established Emergency and Trauma centre, will be looked into on priority and requested the concerned officials to submit a report on it to the government for necessary action.
The Chief Minister, however, expressed concern over complaints of lack of sufficient number of doctors in the district hospitals. He said that on papers there were enough doctors to man all the district hospitals and urged for a proper survey of doctors’ postings.
“In case there is an actual dearth of doctors, the state government is ready to recruit more. But first a proper rationalization of doctors posting has to be done,” he said.
The Chief Minister also witnessed the first drone flight at TRIHMS connecting the hospital under the Medicine From Sky program with East Kameng.