Arunachal Pradesh Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar has asked the PWD to ensure that the materials used in the construction of the Kumey Bridge on the Yangte-Tali road is not compromised and that high standard of workmanship is ensured.
He was addressing a review meeting with senior officers of the PWD in the chief secretary’s conference hall here on Thursday regarding the road connectivity to Tali ADC headquarters under Kra Daadi district.
In the meeting, the chief engineer (CZ-A) briefed the house on the status of road part 1 being the 69 km Talariang-Yangte-Tali road and part 2 being the 10 km Kabak-Sojam road, which is under the PWD.
As per the report submitted by the PWD, the said bridge was under construction and some 26 arch ribs on the left bank collapsed and need to be recovered and re-erected. Recovery of the collapsed arch ribs has also started.
The CS directed the chief engineer to visit the site and suggest technical corrective measures to be taken while completing the bridge. He also directed the department to appoint an independent agency to monitor and check the quality of the fabrication and erection of steel structure used in construction of the bridge.
He further assured that the requested funds would be made available to complete the road up to Tali on time.