Arunachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein inaugurated an ‘electric-cum-gas crematorium’ at the burial ground, under the Itanagar Municipal Corporation (IMC) in the presence of IMC Mayor Tame Phassang, Deputy Mayor Biri Bassang, Ward 19 Corporator Tarh Nachung, IMC Commissioner Likha Tejji on Thursday.
Speaking on the occasion, DCM Mein said, “Everyone wishes to send off their loved ones in a dignified way when they leave us forever. To provide a proper place for such final bidding is a humanitarian service to the society.”
He went on to say that more of these crematoriums should be built in Itanagar, as well as in each district headquarters.
DCM Mein also unveiled the signages to various locations of Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) at Bank Tinali, erected by the IMC under the Smart City Project.
“Such signages are a symbol of a smart city or town, which will help the visitors, especially the tourists, to locate important landmarks and recreational avenues without much difficulty,” Mein said.
He commended the initiatives taken up by the IMC, and lauded Mayor Phassang and his team for their efforts to keep the capital city clean, beautiful, and green, despite shortages of manpower and many other challenges.
The Deputy Chief minister advised IMC to create amenities for livelihood, like night shops for local handloom and handicraft products, where tourists can buy only local products. He further asked them to upgrade the existing vegetable market sheds for women into permanent sheds, in collaboration with financial institutions like the NABARD.
The DCM assured the IMC of the government’s support to its initiatives for the welfare of the people.
To Know More about the event click here: Shangri La Calling!
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