Arunachal Pradesh Governor BD Mishra interacted with all the Members of the state assembly, the Urban bodies and the Panchayati raj institutions (PRI) of the state through a virtual meet from Raj Bhavan.
He urged the people, particularly the elected members of the legislative assembly, the urban bodies and the PRIs, to proactively participate in creating awareness on the Covid pandemic and Covid SOPs.
The governor emphasized on Covid appropriate behaviour and “micro-containment.” He said that the elected representatives must educate the people against crowding, spitting in public places and rumour mongers. “Our leaders must motivate our people to take vaccination and maintain the Covid SOPs,” he said.
Responding to the concern of the people regarding frequent movement of army and paramilitary forces in the state, the governor said that he has spoken to the commander of the Eastern Army Command in Kolkata, who in turn informed him that 97 percent to 99 percent of his army personnel have been vaccinated and anyone having symptoms of Covid is confined in the army stations and treated before being moved to forward posts.