Arunachal: Govt begins Resettlement for Chakma Families under Papum Pare district

new era for chakma familes

A new era has begun for the 186 Chakma families who live in the Papum Pare district, with the state government resettling them in a new region as part of the rehabilitation and resettlement (RR) programme that would pave the way for the development of the Hollongi green field airport.

The Chakmas, originally from Bangladesh, arrived in the Kokila area in 1964 after fleeing their homeland owing to religious persecution and the construction of the Kaptai dam.

Their original settlement area at Hollongi-Kokila has been purchased for the greenfield airport’s construction. 156 of the project’s 186 families have been relocated to RR areas, while the remaining 30 have been relocated to non-RR areas.

“Those who lost both land and house have been settled in the RR area. Those who only lost land have been given new land for settlement. The entire 186 families shifted to the new settlement in November 2020. The entire shifting process was done peacefully,” informed Bijoy Ranjan Chakma, president of the Chakma Rehabilitation & Resettlement Committee (CRRC).

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