Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu said that the state government will be issuing a notification very soon, asking all the state government employees to report about their addiction to drugs, if any, to their senior officers.
Addressing the annual conference of the superintendents of police and the commandants of the APPBn and the IRBn on Monday, the chief minister said that, following the issuing of the notification, “a dateline will be given, and after closing of that dateline, any government employee found indulging in drug addiction will have to face legal actions.”
MLA Nyamar Karbak, who along with MLA Laisam Simai and others attended the conference, congratulated the Pema Khandu-led state government for modernizing the state police by developing infrastructure, providing better equipment, adequate vehicles, riot control equipment, etc. He said that “the good coordination between IPS and APPS officers must continue further for the betterment of the department.”
Simai in his address expressed gratitude to Khandu “for flagging in the 2021 Trans-Arunachal Drive organized by the tourism department.” He said that the police department is one of the most important parts of any government. “The police play a key role in dealing with any kind of situation in the society. Besides maintaining law and order, the police play an important role in any kind of natural calamity or disaster,” he said, and expressed happiness over the “special focus given by the home department in its vision document to the TCL region.”
Khandu on his part expressed satisfaction over the vision document prepared by the home department, and urged police officers to share innovative ideas to improve the department’s functioning.
He instructed the SPs to coordinate with local public representatives, eminent personalities, and the deputy commissioner of their respective district to create awareness regarding the drug menace “and stop our youths’ energy being wasted in such antisocial activities.”
Attended the inaugural session of the 3 day annual SP & Commandants conference.
Vision, Planning and outcome will be the 3 pillars on which this conference will deliberate for an effective and citizen friendly policing in the state.— Pema Khandu པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་། (@PemaKhanduBJP) April 19, 2021