The Arunachal Pradesh Government has placed a purchase order for another one lakh tri-color face masks to the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), an official statement said on Sunday.
The Statement added that these masks would be given to school children.The KVIC will deliver the masks by December 27. The repeat order comes just over a month after KVIC supplied 60,000 masks to the Arunachal Pradesh Government.
The Union ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises on Sunday in a release said, “The Second purchase order for Khadi masks was issued on December 17, citing urgency as classes for VIII standard are set to restart in the New Year.” KVIC Chairman Vinai Kumar Saxena said the repeat order for supply of face masks is a prestigious order which manifests Khadi’s growing popularity and also its acceptance in various government departments.”
“Such big orders create additional jobs for Khadi artisans. Since this order concerns school children, KVIC will accord top priority to the order and deliver the consignment before December 27,” Saxena said.
It is to be mentioned that Arunachal Pradesh is the first state government in North East India that has purchased such a huge quantity of Khadi face masks for its students.