Altogether 130 gram panchayat members and four ZPMs of Shi-Yomi district were felicitated by Legislative Assembly Speaker Pasang D Sona at Chu-Pala on Sunday. The felicitation programme was organized to honour the newly elected PRI leaders by Sona, who also represents Shi-Yomi district as MLA.
Addressing the gathering, Sona lauded the PRI leaders, government officials and the public of Shi-Yomi for peacefully conducting the recent PRI election in the district. Calling upon the newly elected PRI leaders not to let down the hopes and aspirations of the public who elected them, Sona exhorted them to cooperate with the government officers in implementing various developmental schemes of the government.
Stating that it is the responsibility of the PRI members to inform the public about various developmental schemes and programmes of the government, Sona urged the PRI members to know their roles and responsibilities and ensure that the benefits initiated by the government reach every individual.
The speaker also called upon the officers and officials of all government departments of Shi-Yomi to extend all possible cooperation and assistance to the PRI leaders for all-round development. He asked the HoDs not to entertain any schemes or proposals “which are individual-oriented.” All proposals should come through proper channels and should be properly scrutinized, he said.
Informing about the ongoing vaccination drive against Covid-19 across the country, the speaker asked the PRI members to pass on the information that the vaccine is totally safe. He also suggested to everyone to follow the health advisories and the SOPs issued by the health department from time to time.