In a latest update Punjab Police has taken Gaming Youtuber Paras Singh under custody. Meanwhile, Arunachal Pradesh Police team has reached Punjab. Union Minister Kiren Rijiju has spoken to Police Commisioner of Ludhiana for urgent Judicial process for transit remand as it’s inter-state arrest so that he can be brought to Arunachal Pradesh.
Punjab Police searched & taken Paras Singh under custody. Arunachal Pradesh Police team is reaching Punjab. I've spoken to Police Commisioner of Ludhiana for urgent Judicial process for transit remand as it's inter-state arrest so that he can be brought to Arunachal Pradesh.
— Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) May 25, 2021
It is to be mentioned that the Punjab-based YouTuber had made various racial slur against former Arunachal Pradesh MP Ninong Ering. Social media influencer, who goes by the name ‘Paras Official’ on YouTube, has in one of his videos allegedly termed “Ering as a non-Indian and Arunachal Pradesh, a part of China”.
Paras made the comments while reacting to a letter addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by MLA Ninong Ering recently wherein he had asked the PM to ban the re-launch of PUBG Mobile India’s new avatar Battlegrounds Mobile India.
The Youtuber while commenting in his video was heard saying that he doesn’t think Ering is an Indian, while pointing out at the MLA’s profile picture in twitter. He then asks his viewers to check if Ering looks like an Indian and later goes on to comment if the people from Arunachal Pradesh look like that.
The content creator is then seen searching for Arunachal Pradesh on a map, after which he says that Arunachal is on China’s side and that it belongs to the People of China.