As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the state of Arunachal Pradesh is likely to witness fairly widespread rainfall, while Assam and Meghalaya are in for scattered to fairly widespread showers, while Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura will experience isolated to scattered rains until Sunday, March 7.
The ongoing wet spell over parts of Northeast India is set to continue at least for the next four days, with rainfall and thunderstorm conditions persisting over the region until Tuesday, March 9.
The Weather Channel’s meteorological team has indicated that locally heavy rainfall of up to 50 mm is on the cards particularly over eastern Arunachal Pradesh on Saturday. Thereafter, the new week will bring isolated to scattered precipitation over the entire northeastern region on Monday and Tuesday, March 8-9.
Meanwhile, isolated thunderstorms and lightning will remain prevalent across the region during the entirety of this forecast period.
In view of these predictions, the IMD has issued a yellow watch over the entire northeast on Saturday. Come Sunday, the watch will only cover the state of Arunachal Pradesh. The watch advises residents to ‘be aware’ of the local weather situation.
In spite of the wet weather, the daytime temperatures are unlikely to undergo a dip in this forecast period. In fact, the IMD has predicted that the maximum temperatures are likely to be above normal by 3-5°C over many parts of the Northeast, along with Central, Eastern and Western India.
The ongoing wet spell over the region began at the beginning of the week, and since March 1, both Arunachal Pradesh (32.2 mm) and Sikkim (46.4 mm) have managed to record excessive precipitation as compared to their long-term average for the period between March 1-6.