The research team on Unsung Heroes on Monday submitted the report on Arunachal Pradesh’s unsung heroes to the core committee headed by Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein in his secretariat office.
The report has been prepared by the History department of Rajiv Gandhi University and submitted in presence of Advisor to Chief Minister Tai Tagak, RGU Vice Chancellor Prof Saket Kushwaha, Member Secretary of the committee Dani Salu, Finance Secretary Y W Ringu and RGU Registrar Dr N T Rikam among others.
DCM Mein congratulated the team for successfully completing the research and compiling the contribution of unsung heroes of the state despite challenges.
“The compilation will place our state on the glorious map of the struggle for independence and resistance towards colonial rule and reaffirm our love for independence and patriotism,” DCM Mein said.
He further stated that as a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, the contribution of unsung heroes would be celebrated in a big way in the ensuing Statehood Day as a tribute to the glorious contribution of the ancestors towards the struggle for national independence.
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