The Kharsang Police Station of Changlang District in Arunachal Pradesh under the leadership of Inspector K. M. Das was adjudged as the third best Police station in the country for the year 2020, based on a survey conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). The Union Home Minister, Amit Shah had virtually presented the trophy in presence of R. P. Upadhyay, DGP, PHQ, Itanagar in the inaugural session of Annual DGPs/IGPs Conference -2020.
The survey was conducted based on the data of Crime Record Bureau in respect of Crime against women, property offences, crime against weaker sections, missing persons, unidentified dead persons. The survey includes identification and evaluation of the standard of service delivery and techniques of improvement in policing. The survey was also done on the maintenance of Police Station & approach-ability and citizen’s feedback.
It is to be noted that the task of Policing in Kharsang Police Station area is a challenging task as there are frequent moments of anti social elements indulging in extortion activities and thus it is an exemplary achievement by the OC and staff of Kharsang Police Station.
The Kharsang Police Station, Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh under the leadership of Inspector K. M. Das stood one of the best on all parameters of survey & MHA declared it the third best Police station in the country for the year 2020.
— DD NEWS ARUNACHAL 🇮🇳 #AmritMahotsav (@DDNewsArunachal) December 3, 2020