Arunachal Pradesh on Monday launched the Covid-19 vaccine for the people in the age group of 18-44 years at various Districts all over the State. The vaccination will be free of cost, as Chief minister Pema Khandu mentioned earlier.
People who have registered in COWIN portal will be benefited and added that registration for another phase of the vaccination will be announced soon.
#FightCOVID19 @MoHFW_INDIA @UNICEFIndia @WHO @UNDP_India @ArunachalDIPR @ArunachalTimes @DirectorateofHS @TrihmsOfficial @PemaKhanduBJP @AloLibang @Parthi25017671
— National Health Mission Arunachal Pradesh (@ArunachalNhm) May 16, 2021
Covid-19 Vaccination for 18-44 age group has been launched from @dcdibangvalley office #Anini. Kindly request all eligible to register themselves on and get themselves vaccinated and become part of #IndiaFightsCOVID19
— Minga Sherpa (@mingasherpa) May 17, 2021