Arunachal Pradesh deputy chief minister Chowna Mein visited the drug de-addiction-cum-rehabilitation centre at Lathao in Namsai district. Mein visited the centre at Latho along with planning and investment commissioner P.S. Lokhande, interacted with the patients, who are undergoing treatment.
Mein advised the patients to strongly resolve to kick the habit of drug addiction and properly take the treatment administered at the centre and free themselves from the clutches of drug abuse. Lokhande enquired about the functioning of the centre and its issues and needs. He said that the rehabilitation aspect must also be started in the right earnest, reports PRO.
The centre is being funded under the CM Nasha Mukti Yojana through the Arunachal Pradesh Drug De-addiction Society under the Directorate of Health Services. Mein said it was necessary to set up such centres and asked Lokhande to make plans to turn the centre at Lathao into a sophisticated, full-fledged rehabilitation centre that will cater to the needs of the eastern belt of the state besides detoxification of drug users.
Lokhande, acknowledging the proposal of the deputy chief minister, assured to take up the matter and expressed his opinion in favour of decentralising the procurement process.