In a groundbreaking move, several large hydropower projects in Arunachal Pradesh, which had previously faced delays under private developers, are now being transferred to central public sector undertakings (CPSUs) operating in the hydropower sector. This significant development comes as a result of the State government’s conscious effort to ensure the successful development of these crucial projects, which have the potential to revolutionize the economic landscape of the region.
The decision to transfer the projects to CPSUs is a turning point in the pursuit of hydropower development in Arunachal Pradesh. The State government, in collaboration with the Government of India (GOI), has identified four CPSUs – NEEPCO Ltd, NHPC Ltd, SJVN Ltd, and THDC India Ltd – to take over the projects. This strategic move is expected to expedite their progress and pave the way for their successful completion.
The transfer process has been meticulously designed through extensive consultations with various stakeholders, including the GOI. To solidify this arrangement, memorandum of agreements (MoAs) will be signed between the Government of Arunachal Pradesh (GoAP) and the respective CPSUs. This will not only ensure smooth transfer but also establish a strong partnership to drive the projects forward.
To expedite the smooth transfer, Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein, along with Dr. Hari Krishna Paliwal, Advisor to GOAP, recently held a high-level meeting with Raj Kumar Singh, the Power Minister of GOI. The meeting aimed to discuss the progress made in the transfer process and address any pertinent issues. During the meeting, the Power Minister was apprised of the significant headway achieved by the State government in facilitating the transfer.
Impressed by the efforts of GOAP in advancing hydropower development, Power Minister Raj Kumar Singh applauded the State government’s proactive approach. He acknowledged that these projects have the potential to bring about lasting positive impacts on the economy and the lives of the people in Arunachal Pradesh. To show his support and appreciation, Mr. Singh has even committed to personally witnessing the signing of MoAs during his visit to the State next month.
The transfer of hydropower projects to CPSUs marks a significant milestone in the energy sector of Arunachal Pradesh. With the full support of the Power Minister of GOI and the strategic backing of the State government, the projects are expected to gain new momentum and be completed successfully.
This transformative development is set to unlock the immense potential of hydropower in the region, leading to improved economic opportunities and enhanced well-being for the people of Arunachal Pradesh. As the State moves ahead with its vision for sustainable growth, the transfer of these projects to CPSUs is undoubtedly a step towards a brighter and greener future.