Online training on COVID-19 appropriate behavior in Arunachal Pradesh

covid mizoram

A two day online training on COVID 19 appropriate behaviour and to promote health seeking behaviour among rural population through Self Help Group network was successfully conducted by Ministry of Rural Development on Thursday and Friday for Arunachal State Rural Livelihood Mission (ArSRLM) officials.

A total of 131 State, District and Block level officials were trained. ArSRLM officials are further expected to train all the community cadres and community resource persons who in turn will orient all the SHG members in their respective blocks.

The training covered reiteration of preventive measures along with promotions of COVID 19 vaccine usage, health seeking behaviour and other immunity building measures to be adopted by SHG members, informed programme manager, Ms Tuhina Gao who has been designated as the nodal officer to execute and oversee the awareness programme.

It is worth mentioning here that the Deendayal Antoyaday Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission, Ministry of Rural Development has initiated online trainings, in a cascading mode, for its vast network of over 69 lakh Self-Help Groups (SHG) across the country.

This is to spread awareness through key messaging on COVID-19 vaccination and its appropriate behaviours, health seeking behaviour and immunity building. The training was rolled out from 8th April, 2021 at the national level and will be followed by the ground level training of the SHG members.