On Monday night, two women were hurt in an acid attack by a guy in Assam’s Lakhimpur district. Rafiqual Islam, a resident of Rangajan, in North Lakhimpur, splashed acid on Rehena Begum and Nureja Begum while they were sleeping.
The victims of the acid attack were sent to Lakhimpur Medical College Hospital. Rafiqual Isam, a resident of Karunabari under the Laluk police station, entered his brother-in-house law’s at midnight and flung acid on his wife, Renena Begum, and his sister-in-law.
Because to domestic violence, Rehena has already left Rafiqual’s home. The victim’s brother has filed a complaint with the North Lakhimpur police station against Rafiqual.
The intentional hurling of acid on a victim, generally on her face, is known as an acid attack. It is a horrible crime against women committed on the basis of gender.
Acid attacks cause severe agony, permanent disfigurement, infections, and often blindness in one or both eyes, in addition to causing psychological distress.
An acid assault, according to the National Commission of India, is “any act of throwing acid or employing acid in any form on the victim with the aim of or knowing that such person is likely to cause permanent or partial harm, deformity, or disfiguration to any portion of such person’s body.”
Acid attacks on women are becoming more common by the day, especially among girls aged 11 to 30.
Sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acid are the most prevalent forms of acid used in these attacks.
Local authorities and administrative departments are implementing a number of community awareness activities to raise public knowledge about this horrible crime.
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