Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma made an unannounced visit to Gauhati Medical College and Hospital at 2:30am on Sunday. The CM announced that senior doctors would remain on duty during odd hours to provide same level of treatment to COVID-19 patients throughout the day.
Setting up midnight critical care services in all the medical colleges of the state was one of the top priorities of the state government. The chief minister was pleased with the arrangements put in place to meet the emergency needs of corona virus patients.
The CM expressed his thankfulness to the doctors, nursing staff, and other paramedical staff for their services.
“I directed DCs to regularly visit District Hospitals from today and ensure efficient odd hour management of critical Covid patients even late in the night,” he tweeted.
One additional deputy commissioner is to entrusted in each district with the responsibility of vaccine centres by authorities concerned.
“Directed SPs to enforce stringent restrictions to contain the pandemic while ensuring containment zone regulations. In this time of distress we must give the best service with a humane heart,” he added.