A video from Guwahati’s Fancy Bazar area on May 14 was seen where women and children were punished for violating curfew norms in the presence of few on-duty security officials and police personnel. In inquiry has been ordered into the matter by Assam police on Friday after receiving humiliating response from across the state.
Guwahati police took to Twitter mentioning an inquiry into the matter.
“With regard to a video showing some security personnel allegedly punishing women and children for allegedly violating curfew norms at Fancy Bazar area, an inquiry has been ordered,” the tweet by Guwahati Police read.
With regard to a video showing some security personnel allegedly punishing women and children for allegedly violating curfew norms at Fancy Bazar area, an enquiry has been ordered. @DGPAssamPolice
— Guwahati Police (@GuwahatiPol) May 14, 2021