Assam: Swarnim Vijay Mashaal receives Spectacular send-off at Rangia military post

The Rangia military post in Assam has given the Swarnim Vijay Mashaal a spectacular send-off as part of the Swarnim Vijay Varsh festivities (Victory flame).

The Swarnim Vijay Varsh is being held to commemorate India’s great triumph over Pakistan in 1971, which took place 50 years ago.

On September 5, a magnificent ceremony was held at the Rangia military post to bid farewell to the Swarnim Vijay Mashaal, which featured a Guard of Honour and a Band Display.

“The event saw representation from civil administration, doctors, nurses, veer naries, war veterans, ESMs, teachers, children including NCC cadets, military, paramilitary, railways, police officials, NGOs and members of gram panchayat,” read a statement.

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