In Sonitpur district of Assam, a 53 year old woman was brutally killed at Geruajuli village in the Rangapara police station area on Saturday night, in the name of “witch-hunting” and her body was buried in a forest, officials informed on Sunday. The woman was a widow who lived with her four children.
The police informed that few people barged into her house and killed her with bludgeons and sticks, around 11 pm. They carried the body to a nearby forest, buried it and vanished from the scene.
The villagers informed the police and started a search operation on Sunday morning.
The body was recovered about a kilometre away from the house, buried in the forest. The police initiated a manhunt for the culprit and the body was sent for post mortem.
The woman was tortured earlier, and was named a “witch”. However, there is no clue to confirm the murder as a case of “witch-hunting”, informed Sonitpur Deputy Superintendent of Police Rasmi Rekha Sarma.