A team of security forces arrested six drug traffickers and seized drugs worth over Rs 165 crores on Monday morning from Moreh and Tengnuopal district in Manipur. Two of the drug traffickers were Myanmar Nationals and four were Indian and the drug that has been seized from that has been handed over to the Moreh police station.
“The arrest and capture were made during raids managed by a combined team comprising of Assam Rifles troops, Manipur Police, and NCB officials in two locations at Moreh, Tengnoupal district. Moreh town is situated along the Indo-Myanmar border, nearly 110 km from Imphal.” A spokesperson of the PRO defense wing said
He further added that “The raid was a well planned and orchestrated operation based on hard intelligence. We have been tracking the movements of the traffickers. On Monday, two-team of the security forces waylaid the traffickers and arrested once they crossed over to the Indian side.”
The troops of Assam Rifle reportedly caught a large shipment of drugs worth Rs 2.92 crore in the Chandel district of Manipur.