The Meghalaya BJP unit was asked to bring the demand for the implementation of Inner Line Permit (ILP) in the state to the Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the party’s other Central leaders. The suggestion was forwarded by the BJP’s zonal Secretary in the Northeast, Ajay Jamwal.
Jamwal was met by few leaders of the Meghalaya BJP unit in Guwahati.
BJP’s state unit Chief Ernest Mawrie said, “We had a meeting with him (Jamwal) in Guwahati. One of the important issues we discussed was the implementation of ILP in our state”.
“He suggested that we take up the issue with Delhi by meeting Amit Shah and other Central leaders,” Mawrie said.
The demand of ILP’s implementation is supported by the state BJP and that it will do the needful for its practice. To discuss on the matter with Amit Shah and BJP’s other Central leaders, Mawrie would visit New Delhi in January.