Mizoram : Governor encourage citizens to contribute to welfare of service personnel

On the eve of Armed Forces Flag Day, all individuals, traders and government employees were urged to contribute to the welfare of the service personnel by Mizoram Governor P.S. Sreedharan Pillai on Sunday.
In Mizoram a fund collection drive is being introduced in view of the Armed Force Flag Day by Pillai.
Tributes were paid to the armed forces and the valiant heroes, who sacrificed their lives in serving the country on Sunday by Mizoram Governor Pillai.
On the eve of Armed Forces Flag Day the armed forces and the people of Mizoram was greeted by Pillai. He said service personnel are the true protectors of our land, sea and air frontiers, who relentlessly carry out their duties under the harshest of climate- the scorching heat and freezing cool, hunger and thirst.
“The Armed Forces Day reminds us of the debt we owe to the many gallant men and women of the three services – Army, Navy and Air Force – who laid down their lives in defence of the motherland,” he said.
The people of Mizoram were praised by Pillai for their contribution towards the unity, integrity and sovereignty of the country.
He paid respect to the three former chief ministers of the state were in the defence service.
The purpose of the Armed Forces Flag Day is to renew our solidarity with the service personnel; to salute the veterans and the brave, and to honour the valiant heroes who sacrificed their lives for the people, the Governor said.
To honour the men in uniform, the Armed Forces Flag Day is observed every year on December 7 throughout the year from 1949.
On the Armed Forces Flag Day the funds that are collected goes in the restorement of the families and the disabled soldiers.
It is also observed with an intention for resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen and their families, and welfare of serving personnel and their families.