Supporting the farmers’ demand to revoke the three agriculture laws, the Nagaland Pradesh District Committee (NPCC) has announced cancellation of the 136th anniversary of the Indian National Congress (INC), which is due on 28th December 2020.
NPCC President K Therie in a press release stated that “Delhi is under siege for one month by farmers demanding to repeal the Agriculture Bills that intend to destroy the most successful system that farmers have enjoyed, in favour of corporates.”
The new Agriculture Bills have abolished the fundamental right of appeal in the Court as they are not common in the Indian Constitution.
Adding that the voice of the farmers are unheard he said, “Immunity has been granted to corporates too, not only the officials and Government. Aggrieved people have no right to appeal to the Court. It attacks the Constitution, democracy and our farmers directly”.
Stating that “the Constitution is under serious attack,” across the nation, Therie said that, “the divide, intervention in personal faith, personal freedom, customary laws and anti-people bills, will be the reason of the second partition of India for which BJP will be solely responsible.”
“The Constitution of India that promises to secure justice, liberty, equality to all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain unity and integrity of the nation, and that which provides freedom of expression, liberty, faith and the freedom to grow, is no more safe in the hands of BJP,” he added.