The East Khasi Hills District Police, in collaboration with the Meghashakti (Women Police Commandos), launched a series of intensive raids and vigorous patrolling operations in and around Khyndailad, resulting in the apprehension of 15 illegal sex workers. This proactive measure aims to combat the solicitation of customers and ensure the safety of the public.
According to official sources, foot patrolling has been significantly heightened in the vicinity of Khyndailad, a renowned area known for its nightlife and commercial activities. The police are closely monitoring the activities of sex workers who have been charged with soliciting customers, emphasizing the enforcement of relevant sections of the Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act.
Superintendent of Police, Rajesh Kumar, commented on the recent developments, stating, “We are committed to maintaining law and order within Shillong city. These raids and increased patrolling are part of our ongoing efforts to eradicate illegal activities and safeguard the well-being of our community.”
The authorities conducted the raids in various areas within Shillong city, including Motphran, Paltan Bazar, Mawblei, Nongrim Hills, Laitumkhrah Bazar, Mawlonghat, Urkaliar, Upper Shillong, Polo, Mawbah, Jhalupara, and Upper Mawprem. The operations led to the confiscation of a substantial amount of contraband substances. A total of 112 liters of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and 740 liters of illicit liquor were seized during the weekend crackdown, underscoring the authorities’ determination to curb the illegal sale and distribution of alcohol.
In a separate endeavor to enhance public safety, the Shillong Traffic Police have intensified their efforts by conducting day and night vehicle checks at various locations. These checks specifically target offenses such as drunken driving, riding without helmets, modified silencers, and the use of tinted glasses, among other violations under the Motor Vehicles Act.
Over the past week, the Traffic Police have seized a staggering 277 vehicles for various infractions. As a result, a total sum of Rs 236,500 has been collected in fines from the violators. These stringent actions serve as a stern warning to individuals who disregard traffic regulations and endanger the lives of others.
The East Khasi Hills District Police, in close collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, will continue their relentless efforts to maintain law and order in Shillong. By conducting frequent raids, patrolling operations, and traffic checks, they aim to create a safer environment for the residents and visitors alike.
As the police force remains dedicated to upholding the rule of law, citizens can rest assured that their safety and well-being remain paramount in the authorities’ priorities.