Renowned social worker Pintso Bhutia succumbed to COVID-19 on Monday. Bhutia was 29-year-old from Khasey, Samdong, Tumin Lingee constituency. He was a respected social worker who served in the tourism department for many years.
In his past years, Bhutia had arranged many home-stays with local NGOs. He supported the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha and took the party to victory in 2019.
Bhutia also had organized a Holi Football Cup in Rangpo Ground, on March where 24 teams took part.
Pintso Bhutia was suffering from suspected tuberculosis, and was in the hospital after medical issues were detected in his lungs. For over two weeks he was in Singtam district hospital, and all his COVID tests resulted in negative.
Oon April 24 he was shifted to the respiratory ward at the STNM Hospital. He was then kept at the ICU and was later shifted to the COVID ICU.
His loss was heavily condoled by the people.