Tripura : Chief Minister announces health insurance for journalists

The journalists in the State will be given health insurance, declared Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Deb, after apologizing to the journalist fraternity.

Health insurance up to Rs 5 lakhs will be provided per year to the journalists of Tripura, announced Chief Minister Biplab Deb.

Ayushman Tripura Scheme will cover up the health insurance.

At the first State conference of the Forum for Development and Protection of Media Community (FDPMC) in Agartala, Biplab Deb made the declaration.

“The State Government will work tirelessly for the uplift of livelihood opportunities of the journalists,” Biplab Deb said.

By publishing false news on COVID-19 in Tripura by a section of over-enthusiastic media in order to mislead the people, the Chief Minister on September 11 had ‘threatened’ not to ‘forgive’ the media for their actions.

Later Biplab Deb said that he regrets if his words have hurt anyone’s sentiments and asked for apology to the media fraternity on Sunday.

Biplab Deb said, “There was so much controversy over my one statement and I want to say sorry if my words have hurt anyone.”