On Wednesday, a violent conflict occurred in Tripura between BJP and CPM activists in which the Melarmath state party office of the CPI(M) was set on fire. At least four journalists were injured, and a number of automobiles, computers and other items were damaged.
The incident started in Udaipur, Gomati District, Tripura, when the CPI(M) youth wing Students Federation of India and Democratic Youth Federation of India led a procession and were stopped by the police as they did not have permission.
At the same time, BJP supporters were also protesting, and a clash between the two parties erupted and a few activists from the rally allegedly attacked a ruling BJP activist who was passing by, seriously injuring him. To protest against the violence a similar rally was held by BJP supporters in Sepahijala’s Bishalgarh and Agartala.
The protesters allegedly vandalized the office of vernacular daily news called “Pratibadi Kalam” and set fire to several vehicles parked in front of the office. Following the violence at the Agartala party offices, Tripura’s former Chief Minister Manik Sarkar visited the scene and inquired about the incident.
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