How Solitude can affect your Body and Social Skills

Imagine you being isolated in a room for a month, in dark without a window, air, sunlight. yeah of course we all know that pandemic has hit us so badly, we can’t even go out and meet people and touch them and talk to them, but the phone is not enough, we extroverts need people, to talk, of course,

life in confinement can cause physical ailments on its own. Staying at home for so long has twisted our lives, weakens the heart and lungs, and even impairs brain function.

This is what happens when we start staying in isolation for-

You Definitely gain weight

Friend or foe: What is the evidence on zero-calorie sweeteners and obesity?

Since you are in a pandemic so it’s obvious that you will sit all day, eat and sleep then again eat and sleep which will easily make you fatter day by day, you are just feeding yourself like a baby, not doing anything for your metabolism. you have stress due to the pandemic and also your eating habits are not changed, which is a bad sign for your health.festyle

Your posture is falling day by day

10 Ways Poor Posture Can Harm Your Health | Wellness | US News

We all have a bad sitting habit, we like to sit like we don’t have a backbone and too lazy to sit straight, which might cause or deteriorate your health, slumped forward, shoulders hunched; spine curled, neck bent; on your chest, elbows up. But sitting and lying down all day can seriously affect your posture and strain your back, neck, shoulders, hips, and eyes, said Brandon Brown.

Your brain runs slow

Your Brain is Lazy (Why It's Hard to Stick to Goals) | by Rowan Coaching | Medium

when you sit in your home doing nothing just eating, sleeping and repeating the same schedule for a month, then it’s obvious that your brain will slow down, even if you are a genius who is very good at maths, then also you cant do nothing when you will try to solve something after so much time spending you are bad routine you will feel rotten, Exercise produces certain chemicals in the brain that break down toxins in the blood and even prevent them from going to the brain.

Your heart and lungs get weaker

Staying Healthy! - Fun Kids - the UK's children's radio station

If you’re not exercising, you’re not raising your heart rate. And when your heart isn’t pumping as hard, it gets weaker, The same thing happens to your lungs when you’re inactive, People with poor lung health are already considered more susceptible to coronavirus because it’s a respiratory illness, so they’re likely staying home to reduce their risk of infection. But if they’re not moving and increasing blood flow to their lungs, then their preexisting condition might harm them anyway.