A short film on the use of face mask and its use during Covid19 pandemic has been selected for official screening at the 11th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2021 in Mumbai. The movie named ‘Mask’ is directed by Bhawani Doley Tahu from North Lakhimpur, who is also the scriptwriter. Produced by Ponung Karsang Production House, the film will be screened on April 30 at the film festival in Mumbai.
About the film, director and scriptwriter Bhawani Doley Tahu said it was her maiden venture where she had hired only two professionals and the rest of the cast and crew were all newcomers. She added “Mask is about the importance of the use of face musk during Covid19 pandemic. But I saw many underprivileged people in our society using the used and thrown-away face masks during the pandemic,” said Tahu.