The most searched google term in India now “How To Make Oxygen At Home”

While browsing through Twitter I stumbled across a tweet of Vishal Gondal — founder of fitness band Goqii and NCore Games — the developers behind FAU-G. In the tweet, he shared a screenshot of his search suggestions on Google Search.

The search query started from ‘how to’ and one of the first suggestions on the list was ‘how to make oxygen’ followed by the next suggestion ‘how to make oxygen cylinder’.

This made me curious to take a look at the search trend that led to these results. For this, I headed to Google Trends and looked at the trends from a week ago and from a month ago, and safe to say, the results were definitely surprising.

Looking at Google Trends for the search term ‘how to make oxygen at home’ (highlighted in red) showed a search value of 100 today. A week ago from today (around April 15), this search term showed a search value of 10 to 13.

Most search interest for this term was seen in the state of Gujarat at 70, followed by Maharashtra at 49, Uttar Pradesh at 55, Madhya Pradesh at 46.

Similarly for the search term ‘how to make oxygen’ (highlighted in blue) showed a search value of 36 today, and a week ago this search term was at around 5. Here too, Gujarat topped the list in terms of Search Interest, coming at 87 followed by Maharashtra at 61 and Uttar Pradesh at 55.