What Happens When You Force Yourself To Wake Up at 5?

For many, the mere thought of waking up at 5 a.m. sounds exhausting. But there are actually some pretty great reasons why you should avoid hitting snooze. Contrary to most night owls’ beliefs, an early wake-up call can be good for your mind, body, and overall wellness.

How Early You Wake Up In The Morning, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Admittedly, becoming a morning person can be harder for some but you can still try though, and do you know that your body is wired to prefer certain sleeping patterns. Each person is born with a certain chronotype—which is just a fancy term for your sleep cycle and rhythm—that determines your sleep schedule and how much sleep you need. So if you’ve ever wondered why your partner only needs six hours to be a functioning human when you need a lot more, it may be because of your chronotype.


Simply changing the time on your alarm clock won’t magically change your life overnight—especially if you’re a born night owl—but there is plenty of evidence that suggests it can do some good. Here’s what you can expect.

Ultimate Guide to Sunrise Photography | Iceland Photo Tours

Why was 5 a.m. so much harder than 5 a.m.?

“We get our deep restorative sleep in the early-morning waking hours when REM sleep occurs,” “If you shorten that, you are going to feel unrefreshed, and you’re not going to have enough sleep.”

“Morning people have been shown to be more proactive, which is linked to better job performance, career success, and higher wages, as well as more goal-oriented,” she says. “These people tend to be more in sync with the typical workday schedule, versus night owls who may be still be waking up at around lunchtime.”

It’s easy to overlook just how hard silence is to come by until you actually find it. The sounds of the world will find you soon enough, but at dawn, we more control over the volume around us. By all means, make 5 am yours — play music, watch tv, talk to yourself. Personally, the only sounds I want to hear at that time are the coffee machine bubbling and my fingers hitting the keys on my laptop.

Here’s Why Discipline?

Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life 

When you wake up late you have to get moving right away. It’s shower, clothes, coffee, “See ya later!” your mind is already focused on the day ahead before you even breathe in the morning air.

Just as the relaxed pace of an early morning follows us throughout the day, the frenetic energy of feeling rushed sticks around as well.

Sunsets are nice and full moons are beautiful. In fact, anytime the sky does things people gather around and Instagram feeds rejoice. But the reason sunrises are extra special is because they take more effort. Chances are you’ll see fewer in your life than their counterpart. A sunrise is you and that big fiery ball wishing each other luck for the day. It’s hello instead of goodbye.

It’s easy to overlook just how hard silence is to come by until you actually find it. The sounds of the world will find you soon enough, but at dawn, we more control over the volume around us. By all means, make 5 am yours — play music, watch tv, talk to yourself. Personally, the only sounds you want to hear at that time are the coffee machine bubbling and fingers hitting the keys on my laptop.

Discipline is at the root of all good habits. Cultivate it into your routine and it’ll be there when your motivation is still asleep.