On Wednesday, an army helicopter carrying senior defence officials, including Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat, crashed in Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, killing four people on the spot. The chopper was flying from Sulur Airbase to Wellington, according to reports, with 14 senior defence officials on board.
According to an official, three officials have been rescued so far, with a search underway for the fourth.
The injured have been transported to Nilgiris’ Wellington cantonment. The Mi-series chopper was carrying Bipin Rawat, his staff, and some family members, according to news agency ANI. Sources confirmed that a search and rescue operation was launched from nearby bases as soon as the chopper crashed.
#WATCH | Latest visuals from the spot (between Coimbatore and Sulur) where a military chopper crashed in Tamil Nadu. CDS Bipin Rawat, his staff and some family members were in the chopper. pic.twitter.com/6oxG7xD8iW
— ANI (@ANI) December 8, 2021
The Indian Air Force issued a statement confirming the crash and the presence of CDS Rawat on board. “An IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter, with CDS Gen Bipin Rawat on board, met with an accident today near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. An Inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the cause of the accident,” the IAF said.
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