The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has no power in the Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government. Mohan Bhagwat, the RSS chief, stated that while the main people are employed by the government, they will remain members of the Sangh.
“They each have their own executives, policies, and working methods. The Sangh has its own thoughts and culture, which is effective. The main people are employed there (in the government); they are Sangh members and will continue to be so. There is only such a relationship, and there is no such control, despite what the media claims “ANI news agency quoted Bhagwat as saying.
This was said by Bhagwat while speaking at a Dharamshala event for ex-servicemen. On Saturday evening in Dharamshala, about a thousand ex-servicemen attended an event where the RSS chief urged them to learn more about the Sangh.
“Governments were on our side. Opposition has always existed. The Sangh has been in operation for 96 years, overcoming all obstacles, and with so many volunteers preparing, they will not remain silent or idle. They are always available to work wherever there is a need in society. The work of the swayamsevaks demonstrates that they are independent and autonomous, and that they do more than just run Parliament.”
Mohan Bhagwat previously stated that all Indians have the same DNA. “The DNA of all Indians from 40,000 years ago is identical to that of today’s population. Our ancestors are all one, and it is because of them that our country has thrived and our culture has survived “he stated.
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