Mumbai woman aborts eight times; gets 1500 steroid shots

A lady in Mumbai’s Dadar has filed a complaint accusing her husband of abusing and harassing her to produce a male kid. In a frightening event, the 40-year-old lady claims she was forced to abort her pregnancy eight times and was repeatedly supplied with 1,500 steroid injections so that she might have a male kid.

In 2007, the woman married the man, who came from a well-to-do and well-educated family. Her mother-in-law and husband are both lawyers, while her sister-in-law is a doctor. After a few years of marriage, the husband began abusing his wife, claiming that he desired a son to care for his family and possessions. In 2009, the victim gave birth to a baby girl, and in 2011, she fell pregnant again. He compelled her to get an abortion. The accused even accompanied his wife to Bangkok for a pre-implantation genetic diagnostic, where the sex of her embryo was confirmed.

By checking the sex of the embryo before conception, the victim was forced to undergo therapy and surgery. Without her agreement, she was exposed to 1,500 hormonal and steroid injections in another country during her treatment.