On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, three people were arrested for allegedly shouting “pro-Pakistan” slogans during a religious procession in Noida. Arrests were made after a video of the incident went viral on social media, and the Noida police determined that the video was authentic during their investigation.
The Noida Police identified and arrested three people based on the video clipping, according to the information. On Tuesday, a procession was held in the Sector 20 police station area to commemorate Eid Milad-un-Nabi.
According to reports, police were also present on the scene due to security concerns at the time these slogans were raised.
“We have arrested three people in this case and have had the video investigated,” Noida DCP Rajesh S told IANS. “Primarily, it appears that someone spoke Pakistan in the middle of the Hindustan Zindabad slogans, causing the crowd to also speak Zindabad.”
According to Ran Vijay Singh, Additional DCP of Noida, “We had the video examined by experts, and after further investigation, it was discovered that the video had not been tampered with. We’ve also filed a case against the defendant under the relevant sections.”
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