Since its debut, the Nexon EV has received a positive reception from Tata Motors. The Nexon EV’s debut has increased the popularity of small SUVs. The Tata Nexon EV is presently India’s most popular electric passenger vehicle. According to the carmaker, the Nexon EV has seen the same amount of demand as the SUV’s diesel counterpart.
Speaking to media during the automaker’s earning call, PB Balaji, Chief Financial Officer, Tata Motors has said that the order book for Nexon EV in July 2021 is neck to neck to the diesel variant. “The combination of FAME-II benefits and subsidies provided by the state government is making EVs extremely attractive.”
Balaji further stated that Tata Motors is optimistic that the Nexon EV’s market share would reach 5% in the near future. Even two years ago, the electric small SUV’s proportion of Tata Motors’ overall sales was only 0.2 percent, according to Balaji.