The Uttar Pradesh government started the third phase of ‘Mission Shakti’ on Saturday, with the goal of promoting women’s safety, respect, and self-reliance. In the presence of Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Governor Anandiben Patel, and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the newest phase was launched.
The program’s third phase will finish on December 31. The launch of ‘Mission Shakti Kaksha’ (classrooms) at all 59,000 gramme panchayat bhawans (village panchayat buildings), the formation of one lakh women self-help groups, and the linking of 1.73 new beneficiaries to the destitute women pension scheme are the main schemes that are scheduled to be implemented in this phase.
Safe city project in divisional headquarters and Gautam Buddh Nagar, posting of female police officers as beat cops, construction of pink toilets (for women) in 1,286 police stations, special recruitment for women battalions of the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) on 2,982 posts, deployment of female sub-inspectors in urban areas, creche establishment in all police lines, and construction of pink toilets (for women) in 1,286 police stations.