Eight Arunchalee students safely evacuated from Ukraine

Eight Arunchalee students safely evacuated from Ukraine

On Wednesday, eight of the ten Arunachalee students who were caught in the crossfire in Ukraine between Russian and Ukrainian troops were safely evacuated.

Horli Rime, Arono Pul, Ronit Pul, Shabnam Tamai, Priya Ngi, Dichasio Ngadong, and Kiran Tasung were among those who made it to Budapest, Hungary’s capital city, on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Gumin Jerang, who was stranded in Kharkiv, made his own way to a safer location near the Ukraine-Poland border. Gumin said he is fine right now, despite not wanting to reveal much about his harrowing journey.

Moreover, he also stated that the army is repressing Indian students attempting to flee Kharkiv at the railway station.

“The army is beating our Indian students in the railway station. My friends cannot get on the train. They are still stuck in Kharkiv,” Gumin said, adding that over 500 Indian students are still stranded in the Ukrainian capital.

However, Kharkiv is currently the worst-affected city, according to reports.

For their safety and security, the Indian Embassy in Kyiv requested that all Indian nationals leave Kharkiv immediately on Wednesday.

In an urgent advisory issued on Wednesday, the Indian Embassy stated, “This is an urgent advisory to all Indian nationals in Kharkiv. For their own safety and security, they must leave Kharkiv immediately, and repeat immediately in the light of the deteriorating situation.”

Moreover, the embassy also advised that they should proceed as soon as possible to Peschyn, Babai, and Bezlyudivka for their safety.

Students who are unable to locate vehicles or buses and are stationed at railway stations are advised to walk to Pisochyn (11 kilometres), Babai (12 kilometres), and Bezlyudivka (16 KM).

Meanwhile, Tenzing Doden Mosobi and Sannata Manlong, the other two Arunachalee students, are still in Ukraine.

Tenzing is in Uzzhorod, a city in western Ukraine near the Hungary-Slovakia border that he claims is relatively safe.

Furthermore, Tenzing informs that he will be leaving the next day. He did not, however, reveal his destination.

Sannata Manglong is still in Sumy, Ukraine, near the Russian border. As Russia intensifies its attacks on Ukraine, it is reported that the Indian government is attempting to evacuate stranded Indian students in eastern Ukraine cities such as Kharkiv and Sumy with the help of the Russian Foreign Minister.

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