Sudan Signs Abraham Accord with US

Sudan signed the Abraham Accords with the US, paving the way for the African nation to normalise relations with Israel after the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. 

The document, signed by Sudanese Justice Minister Nasreddin Abdel Bari and visiting US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Wednesday, highlights “tolerance, dialogue and coexistence among different peoples and religions in the Middle East and beyond”.

The development comes after Washington decided on December 14, 2020, to remove Khartoum from the list of states sponsoring terrorism and restore Sudan’s sovereign immunity on December 22, 2020. On October 23, 2020, Sudan signed a joint statement with the USs and Israel that announced the agreement between Sudan and Israel to normalize their relations.

The MoU was signed between Sudease Finance Minister Hiba Mohamed Ali and Mnuchin. “The MoU will enable Sudan to make access to over $1 billion in annual financing from the World Bank for the first time in 27 years,” Sudan’s Finance Ministry said.