Arunachal Speaker PD Sona hails AMSU for their efforts on Culture Preservation

PD Sona, Arunachal Pradesh Assembly Speaker said the goal of every student organization should be to assist the students’ community and the society alike.

“Besides being pressure groups, the student organizations should also lend a helping hand for the overall development of society,” Assembly Speaker Sona said.

While addressing the 18th foundation day-cum-felicitation programme of the All Memba Students’ Union (AMSU) at Chupala near Mechuka in Shi-Yomi district, Sona also urged the youths to thrive for preserving one’s culture.

“Our culture is our identity; however, the advancement of technology is gradually disconnecting the people, especially youths from their respective cultures,” the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly Speaker said.

Sona hailed the AMSU for their efforts on culture preservation by carrying out various activities and urged them to continue doing the same.

The Speaker advised the AMSU to create awareness about the importance of education among the villagers.

“Education is the most important tool for the overall development of a place and its people,” the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly Speaker said.

The Union needs to assist and cooperate with the administration in making the newly created Shi-Yomi district a vibrant and developed one, according to Sona.

Further he said, this has to be achieved while maintaining brotherhood and harmony among other communities residing in the district.

The Speaker appealed all to be responsible and keep one’s surroundings clean while expressing serious concern over the reckless littering and dumping of garbage in the village areas,

“It is our responsibility to keep our beautiful place clean and green,” he said.

He  added that cleanliness and hospitality are two important parameters for the growth of tourism in any region.

Earlier, the Speaker along with the DC and SP released the Bye-Law of AMSU and distributed the prizes to the winners of several literary competitions conducted as part of the Union’s foundation day.